Saturday, March 29, 2025
Deciding what college to attend is an extremely important decision, and we’re committed to helping you with that process. Join us for our upcoming on-campus Accepted Student Program (ASP) at Penn State Altoona on Saturday, March 29, to visit our staff, speak with faculty, and take a campus tour.
This program is only open to students who have already been accepted to Penn State Altoona.
Note: Different registration options are available depending on which major or academic college you have been accepted into. Be sure to review the information below and select the appropriate registration link.
Beginning Your Day Downtown
Business, Accounting, Smeal College of Business
If you have been accepted into one of the following majors or academic colleges, your day will begin at our downtown campus and end at our main Ivyside campus:
- Accounting
- Business
- Smeal College of Business
- DUS (Division of Undergraduate Studies/undecided but interested in one of these majors)
Beginning Your Day Downtown
Communications, IST Programs, Nursing, Rail Transportation Engineering
If you have been accepted into one of the following majors or academic colleges, your day will begin at our downtown campus and end at our main Ivyside campus:
- Communications
- Bellisario College of Communications
- Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations
- Information Technology
- Security Risk Analysis
- College of Information Sciences and Technology
- College of Nursing
- Rail Transportation Engineering
- DUS (Division of Undergraduate Studies/undecided but interested in one of these majors)
Beginning Your Day on the Ivyside Campus
If you have been accepted into one of the following majors or academic colleges, your day will begin and end on our main Ivyside campus:
- College of Arts and Architecture
- Visual Art Studies
- College of Agricultural Sciences
- College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
- Environmental Studies
- College of Education
- Elementary and Early Childhood Education
- College of Engineering
- Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- College of Health and Human Development
- Human Development and Family Studies/ Kinesiology
- College of the Liberal Arts
- Criminal Justice
- English
- History
- Multidisciplinary Studies
- Psychology
- Eberly College of Science
- Biology
- DUS (Division of Undergraduate Studies/undecided but interested in one of these majors)